Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Things I Am Not So Great At

I'm starting to bike to work!  By starting, I mean I biked there once for a Saturday event and I biked for a regular day at the office for the first time today.  I've done a fair amount of biking to the busway to shorten my daily travel time, but I hadn't done the whole 7.3-mile trip before.  (Biking the whole way doesn't shorten travel time much at all, at least not with the leg muscles I currently have.)  I'm still planning to be a weather wimp, but bike commuting at all feels like an accomplishment!  Woohoo!  

I've also kinda sorta taken up swimming (like, a couple times a month).  I still apparently think I can breathe water, and I'm not quite to the point of particularly enjoying it, but what I do enjoy is seeing myself gain a skill!  I'm not a fan of doing things I'm not good at, so I have to force myself.  But, with that in mind, I have a whole list of other skills I want to learn.  


Skills I want: Spanish-English interpretation, permaculture, graphic design, web development, drawing, ballroom dance, sight reading, playing an instrument well, bike maintenance, driving stick, tennis, conversational German.  


  1. I heard you also apparently have taken up running. Shouldn't that strengthen your puny leg muscles for biking? :)

    1. I've been an occasional runner for a while, but it's not like I'm training. I've only gone 4 or 5 times since being in Pgh, so less than I did at EMU.
