My official job title at Green Building Alliance is "Research & Resource Coordinator." What exactly does that mean? I'm working on a number of projects, and I have a lot of discretion as to how I spend my time on any given day. Here are my main responsibilities:
- Resource pages: I research topics of interest and write beginner- or intermediate-level overviews on what I find. I wrote the majority of the content found on our Green Building Methods page.
- Directories: We have online directories of green building projects in the region and also products/services. These used to be in a print publication but are now very out-of-date. I reach out to the contacts for products and projects already in the directories to get them to update their listings, as well as get new people to submit relevant listings. I also update some listings manually.
- Events: I write event descriptions, post events on our web calendar, and set up pages so people can register/pay for events. I am increasingly involved in event planning/facilitation.
- General website: We switched to a new website very soon after I started at GBA last fall. Part of my role has been learning the features of the new website, training other staffers, and identifying issues for our web developers to fix.
- Green Workplace Challenge: This is a competition among various groups in Pittsburgh to do green actions and gain points. Last year GBA placed third in the Observer category, and we are currently leading in the Small Nonprofit category. I organize/implement green actions and then document and submit them for points.
- Other duties as assigned.
A typical day in the office starts around 9, usually with a cup of coffee and chats with coworkers. If it's Wednesday, someone brings in breakfast for all of us! Then I work on some combination of the above items, write emails, go to meetings, and attend events. If I feel like it I empty the dishwasher. My role has already shifted some in the last 5.5 months and will probably continue to do so in the next 5.5, but that's the gist.
:) I read this Kliener Eisbar.