I'm sitting here crying. For one thing, one of my very good friends left for South Africa this morning. But more than that, I just keep thinking about how this time last semester, I was aboard that bus. I was feeling that crazy mix of excitement and nervousness and happiness and unpreparedness that a whole new group of people is feeling right now. I am very much looking forward to this semester, but I think I'd rather go back to Guatemala any day of the week. And while I know I always can go there again, I still have trouble believing that I've already gone and come back and here I am.
This is going to be a year with quite a few adjustments, which is weird considering being here on campus is supposed to be what's normal, comfortable, easy. Probably the biggest change is that I'm in an apartment, which means lots and lots of little details have to be worked out among the four of us. It also means I'm somewhat removed from the kind of campus life I'm used to, so I'll have to make a point not to live in a bubble. I'll also be doing research for the first time, and not just one project but two! I'm a little stressed out by that thought, but I guess if research is in my future I might as well figure out now if it's something I enjoy or am even able to do. Along with the science-y stuff, I'm taking a couple classes just for fun, plus the last class I need to finish my Spanish minor. When I had that class for the first time yesterday, I realized just how long it's been since I've been in a Spanish-speaking frame of mind. I could understand everything perfectly well, but my first instinct was to respond in English. Anyway, these are just my thoughts from the first two days, so I'm sure I'll eventually fall into a routine that I can manage.
Goals for the year:
Ask someone (or multiple someones) out on a date.
Dumpster dive!!
Spend just as much time in other people's apartments as my own.
Meet some freshmen/transfers.
Do crazy awesome research.
Find and apply to some internships for next summer.
Cook at least five completely new dishes.
Get involved in one new thing on or off campus.
Make time for God.
Give freely.