A few thoughts on why I chose the title I did for this blog...
At the end of last semester, when I created my blog, I was very frustrated by the divergence between my ideal and my reality. I felt as if I hadn't taken enough initiative in relationships, in the activities and issues that I care about, in life in general. I tried to write a post about it then but all I could get out was some rambles, a quote from The Reason for God by Timothy Keller (Sin "is seeking to establish a sense of self by making something else more central to your significance, purpose, and happiness than your relationship to God."), and this sentence: I have such a desire to live for something, to take hold of each day with purpose and intention.
Looking back at it now, I still feel inadequate. I'm still struggling with my faith. I'm still wondering how I can act on what I believe and bring about change rather than just intending to. Especially after my semester in Guatemala and Mexico, I feel more than ever the urgency to work for justice in a world where there's so little of it! But I also have a strange sense of peace. I'm not gonna lie, I tend to get uncomfortable when people go crazy with talking about God and quoting Bible verses and such like, but here's the thing: I want to work for justice and I want it to stem from a crazy passion for Christ! I want God to be my reason, my significance, my purpose, my happiness. Please keep me accountable.